Fontanka about modern technologies in medicine
Digitized tumor
Rapid and accurate diagnosis is a key element of treatment, especially in oncological diseases. In Russia, it is impossible to make a diagnosis of cancer without the opinion of a pathologist, the shortage of which is especially acute in the regions. "Glasses" with histology are sent to specialized specialists by mail. The time of diagnosis increases and there is a risk of damage to biological material. The Roboscope team is developing a hardware and software system for histology scanning, which can also work in mobile mode.
How it works? Now, in order to make a diagnosis, the pathologist must look through a biological light microscope, examine the biopsy and give a conclusion. With the help of the Roboscope complex, a laboratory assistant will be able to digitize the data, and a doctor anywhere in the world will have access to the image.
“Our main advantage is that we scan in an open format. The second advantage is the price, here we differ from Western counterparts for the better, - says Ilya Efremov, General Director of the Roboscope company. — In addition, it is an import-substituting product. He himself and some of the components are made in Russia and from Russian material. Now the company has several ready-made prototypes, is preparing for piloting and searching for a means to complete the development and obtain a registration certificate.
According to Igor Shaderkin, medical expert and project ambassador, head of the laboratory of the Institute of Digital Medicine of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov, now in Russia at best 5% of histological slides are digitized, and in large reference centers in large cities. For regions where there is a shortage of highly qualified specialists, such technologies are not yet available.
In the future, according to Ilya Efremov, the widespread introduction of such digital technologies will make it possible to direct data flows, and additional specializations will appear. For example, one pathologist will specialize only in the prostate gland, another in breast cancer. And since he will be an expert, he will evaluate faster and better. And, finally, ideally, artificial intelligence will help the doctor make decisions at all.

Roboscope Patology LLC