The Skolkovo Foundation has announced the winners of the MedLAB Innovation Laboratory acceleration program for startups working in the field of Digital Health.
Partner clinics of Sechenov University, the International Medical Cluster, JSC Medicina, K+31, Ilyinskaya Hospital, and Mammological Center L7 will serve as platforms for pilot implementation of the best solutions. The competition was organized with the support of PJSC Rostelecom, Delrus, Avivir, Doctis and IPHARMA.
More than 120 applications were received as part of the selection. 22 startups reached the final, which were evaluated by more than 25 experts. For the first time, the jury included both clinical specialists and representatives of major industrial partners. As a result, 10 participants were selected:
Acceleration track winners:
ROBOSCAN. Robotic Autonomous Complex for Ultrasound Diagnostics RoboScan.
MORPOSCAN. The device and technology allow imaging of native blood cells in the wavelength range of 210-900 nm.
IRYM. IRYM software platforms for the intellectual analysis of complex biological structures.
ROBOSCOPE PATHOLOGY. Hardware-software complex for digital pathomorphology.
EVA LAB. Polyptron is an AI-based medical decision support system for endoscopy.
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MedLab Skolkovo